I’ve always been envious of those that discover their passion at a young age. It gives them decades to refine their talents and when I discover their work I kinda get the “What’s the point?” attitude because they’re far more advanced and I feel as thought I’d never catch up. Methinks a majority of it depends on if they were encouraged to create. I could never focus on just one thing so my parents didn’t really support my talents because they figured I’d quit after I got bored. Unfortunately they were correct many a time. I get bored so very quickly (hrmmm could it be because I have ADHD? lol) and my lack of self discipline doesn’t help. My fiddle has been practically SCREAMING at me to pick it up and play. I never feel that I have enough time anymore.
Yes, I know, I know. I need to MAKE time. Hmph. Baby steps… baby steps.
Anyway, the catalyst for my self admonition:

I’ve know about this artist for awhile and I want to share her work because it is absolutely amazing. I have never been in to porcelain dolls. I never saw the point of owning something you couldn’t touch. After discovering this woman’s website I finally understand. To buy one of her dolls is to own a piece of beauty. Her name is Marina Bychkova. She was born in South-West Siberia and migrated to Canada when she was 14. This girl started making dolls at the age of 11 (paper and fabric) and was selling them to her classmates when she was 12.
Yeah. Who feels like a slacker?
Her website is: The Enchanted Doll. She focuses on the seedy underbellies of fairytales. Example-She has a doll whose name is Necrophilia. Guess which fairytale character she represents? Snow White. For some weird reason it never really registered that when the Prince kissed Snow White SHE WAS DEAD.
A collective "ewwwwwwww" please?
Here are some of my favorites:

You NEED to visit her website and check out her other dolls. Another amazing thing is SHE photographs them. Hopefully I won’t get in trouble for having some of these photos up as I DO NOT OWN THEM. I only want to show how beautiful her creations are.
She hand paints them, moulds them, designs and makes the clothing/ jewelry that they wear, and pretty much has dedicated her LIFE to doing this. I need to discover/refine a talent. I’ve got to have at least one… right?? I wish I could just concentrate on one passion…. le meh.
Yeah yeah, I know I KNOW. Baby steps.
Yes, I know, I know. I need to MAKE time. Hmph. Baby steps… baby steps.
Anyway, the catalyst for my self admonition:

I’ve know about this artist for awhile and I want to share her work because it is absolutely amazing. I have never been in to porcelain dolls. I never saw the point of owning something you couldn’t touch. After discovering this woman’s website I finally understand. To buy one of her dolls is to own a piece of beauty. Her name is Marina Bychkova. She was born in South-West Siberia and migrated to Canada when she was 14. This girl started making dolls at the age of 11 (paper and fabric) and was selling them to her classmates when she was 12.
Yeah. Who feels like a slacker?
Her website is: The Enchanted Doll. She focuses on the seedy underbellies of fairytales. Example-She has a doll whose name is Necrophilia. Guess which fairytale character she represents? Snow White. For some weird reason it never really registered that when the Prince kissed Snow White SHE WAS DEAD.
A collective "ewwwwwwww" please?
Here are some of my favorites:

You NEED to visit her website and check out her other dolls. Another amazing thing is SHE photographs them. Hopefully I won’t get in trouble for having some of these photos up as I DO NOT OWN THEM. I only want to show how beautiful her creations are.
She hand paints them, moulds them, designs and makes the clothing/ jewelry that they wear, and pretty much has dedicated her LIFE to doing this. I need to discover/refine a talent. I’ve got to have at least one… right?? I wish I could just concentrate on one passion…. le meh.
Yeah yeah, I know I KNOW. Baby steps.